Gifts for the Adventurous

Waypoints December 2015

-not my picture but this was our view-

Merry Christmas 2015!

Thank you everyone for reading and sharing! 
2015 has been fun and I have discovered a lot of new and inspiring people!  I'm looking forward to getting 2016 started with new adventures and gear!

Bookshelf 2015

I enjoy and support reading. Not only as a calming pastime but as a means to further your self education, which in many cases can be more important than your formal one.

Here I have compiled a list of the books I have read through or at least partially this year.  I subscribe to the thought that it's ok to skim a book or skip parts if they bore you. 
There are no rules to reading.  Just read what you like.

Sabra Gear Quick Pouch Review

Sabra Gear is an Israeli company making high quality bags and packs.  I usually do my best to buy American but if I'm buying a foreign product I have absolutely no problems supporting an Israeli company.

Also, Israel is near the top, if not the top destination on my Life List I would love to be lucky enough to visit one day.