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A Continuous Lean rounds up some fine looking vintage luggage.
The Art of Manliness describes some modern day adventurers. PS. They aren't all men and here is the link to the rest of the Adventurers of the Year by National Geographic
Valet reviews a new design for a carry-on bag to cut down on those baggage fees and supplies a coupon code. Also, some American-made leather good for organizing your daily travels.
The Heritage Foundation has a quick Social Studies lesson on The Enduring Relevance of Whittaker Chambers. who was the most important communist spy defector to the US.
Read more about Whittaker Chambers"Herein lies the source of Chambers’ ongoing relevance: While Communism stands discredited, many still accept its fundamental conceit that man makes his own reality and that the government is the solution to all our ills."
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