Whether you are planning on climbing a mountain or simply walking around a new city shopping, the last thing you want to happen when you are on vacation is to get too tired to do anything else and end up in your hotel room instead of continuing your adventure.
The best way to avoid that problem is to do a little training before you go anywhere if you are not already on a current training program.
Pic via crossfit.com
is a military style cross-training program and I have been working with for it about a month now. Even after being a dedicated gym rat for the past couple years, I am already seeing results.
This training philisophy has been around for a while now, but it is starting to get a lot of
media coverage lately.
CrossFit.com is a great resource with training videos, a daily work-out-of-the-day, or WOD, and a community of participants.
There are CrossFit gyms around the country if you need that extra motivation, if not check out the website and try some for yourself.